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The Lincoln Veterans Memorial Coalition was formed to establish veteran memorials at four Lincoln cemeteries, and as of April 24, 2018, and was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.


We dedicated our new Veteran’s Memorial site on the 101st Anniversary of Armistice Day, known today as Veteran's Day celebrating the end of World War I to honoring any military service person who currently or has honorably served in the United States Military, on November 11, 2019.

Our coalition is committed to raising private funds, or construction materials and services, to construct this new Memorial located at McBean Park in Lincoln, California.  Lincoln residents will have a dedicated place to express their gratitude for those who have served, currently, serve; but further, to deeply honor those who have lost their lives in the service of the United States.  It is our goal to construct a Memorial that honors our Veterans while at the same time promoting civic pride. 

We have currently raised over 92 percent of the funds needed to construct the memorial site and are seeking donations for the remaining 8 percent.  Due to the pandemic, our fundraising efforts were greatly reduced.  Currently, we are ramping up a donation campaign to help us complete the construction costs and provide perpetual maintenance. 


The Lincoln Memorial Coalition consists of five organizations: James E. Fowler American Legion Post 264 / Auxiliary Unit 264, Lincoln Hills Veterans Group, Semper Fi Association, Glen Edwards VFW Post 3010 / Auxiliary 3010, and the Women Veterans Alliance


Gladding McBean, Placer County Board of Supervisors, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Lincoln have also given their support of this project. 

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Your donation will ensure we reach our goal to honor Placer County Veterans and promote civic pride

The Lincoln Veterans Memorial Coalition is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization |  GuideStar   /   IRS

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