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Collect the following information for the plaque on the Monument.

  1. Profile Picture

  2. Up to 500 word of text about your
    a. Active duty service
    b. Time after service
    c. Location for Friends or Family on the monument

  3. Up to 4 additional pictures

  4. Lastly, If there are Friends and relatives on the monument –
    a. You must identify the Panel number
    b. Plaque Row
    c. Plaque Column.
    d. There is no limit on links.


Once you have accumulated all of the information to be added, contact the Placer County Veterans Monument organization and let them know you are ready to add the information.


They will provide you a link which will walk you through the process to add the information online. Once you have completed the addition of all of the information, notify the PCVM that you have completed the process.


They will proof read the text and information that you provided. No vulgarity or insulting language will be allowed. Overly graphic pictures will also not be allowed. After the review process is complete and text and images are approved, the submitted information will be activated for public viewing.

What will your information look like?

This is how it will look.

Your profile picture will replace the branch insignia.


The system will then automatically insert the information that is on the PCVM Plaque.


         REYNOLDS, (D.R.) DENNIS


                NAVY       LCDR


                   1980 - 2009

The system will then insert up to 500 words of text about your

  • Active duty service

  • Time after service

  • Or other friends or Family on the monument

The system will then insert up to four additional pictures that you provide.

The system will then automatically insert the location of the plaque on the monument.


Lastly,  If there are Friends and relatives on the monument – You must identify: 

  • Panel number

  • Row number

  • Colum numer for each link

There is no limit on links.

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